Jessica Pixel’s Wardrobe and Work

Vicemes (will be spelled wrong throughout)

2023 Visemes

[HANA_Tool_v3] control BlendShapes tool [英語版] - くに屋 - BOOTH

52blendshapes-for-VRoid-face/VRoid_V110_Female_v1.1.3.vrm at main · hinzka/52blendshapes-for-VRoid-face

Releases · vrm-c/UniVRM

VRoid Studio-1.2.0, keep transparent meshes, default textures, combine hair mesh

Screenshot 2022-01-15 181824.png

Add the UniVRM and HANA_Tool packages to the Unity project.

I’m not going to update my UniVRM today, although there is a slightly newer version. I’ll be using 0.91, but 0.93 is available. One of these days I’ll try and finish a model with the 1.0 beta and new mtoon shader, but not today...

VRM0 > Import from VRM0.x to bring in the VRoid.

Save the base exported face shapes for when I eventually mess something up and have to restore: HANA_Tool > Writer

Screenshot 2022-01-15 182218.png

Get VRoid_V110_Female_v1.1.3-chan in there, export her blendshapes, but just the perfect sync ones: HANA_Tool > Writer

Screenshot 2022-01-15 182657.png

Add those blendshapes to my model: HANA_Tool > Reader

Screenshot 2022-01-15 192243.png

Wiggle several sliders and make sure things look right. Generally, if you don’t get an error, you should be okay, but if the mesh has been altered outside of VRoid Studio, there’s a chance the vertex order gets messed up and makes the applied blend shapes break your face or wiggle your ears.

Screenshot 2022-01-15 183223.png

Several shapes will be a little ‘too much’ on purpose so they can be adjusted back to look better on your model. The faces made by the masc model are a little more animated, and because the mesh is the same between all VRoids now, those shapes can be added to a fem face too. In the future I want to play with a combo of the shapes from both faces, but for now I’m sticking with the fem shapes.

There’s a few ways to make adjustments, and it gets a bit weird depending on if the platform looks at your actual blendshapes, or if it uses your blendshape clips/expressions. I’m going to hopefully set things up so it’s possible to tell the difference, but your end goal should be to have each of your shape keys look as you want them when set to 100, and use blendshape clips/expressions to add extra custom emotes.

Screenshot 2022-01-15 184411.png